Thursday, December 16, 2004

I Believe in Creation

Here's a excellent commentary by Joseph Farrah. Not many people are willing to take a stand against the doctrine of evolution.

The theory of evolution is now being treated like Holy Writ. That's not science. It's religion.

And no, God didn't use evolution to create the world we know. If one kind of animal could be changed to another through evolution, science would have done it by now. Do you think it hasn't been tried? If it was ever successful (no matter how slight) they would be shouting from the rooftops about it. They can create every color and variety of mouse or dog or cat or whatever, but they cannot breed one kind of animal into another. It just doesn't work.

If something in science suddenly becomes so sacrosanct that you can't question it, then it ceases to be science. It's actually a contradiction of the principles of science and the scientific method, which requires testing, evidence, proof.

Oh, they've tested all right. They can't do it. They say a chimp and a man share over 90% of the same DNA. So. They are similar creatures. Why wouldn't they share DNA? Why wouldn't the Designer use similar features in many animals? You can tell who makes a car by looking at it, can't you. You can tell an artist by the artwork. There are similar features in an artists work. Certain themes are visited over and over.

It seems to me when authorities are unwilling to accept any criticism of their doctrine, there is probably good reason. In the case of evolution, that reason is the theory itself is little more than speculation unsupported by evidence.

I've been through the indoctrination camps in high school and in college. I remain thoroughly convinced that evolution is nothing more than a religious tenet of secular humanism – unsupported by facts and unsupportable by facts. I am hardly alone.

No, he is not alone.

Evolutionists are incapable of selling their ideas in an open marketplace. Instead, they resort to Soviet-style coercion and censorship to impose their views on others. Remember, it was the communists who made a special point of teaching that God played no role in the creation of the universe and mankind. Evolution became their god, and history is repeating itself in America's classrooms today.

There's that Marxist/communist influence again, the religion of fools. That ties into a quote from a commentary by Peggy Noonan:

You can get so well educated in America that your thoughts become detached from common sense. You can get so complicated in your thinking that the obvious isn't real to you anymore.


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