Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Junk Science

Baby Jesus had hypothermia

Oh, really? And just how did they figure that out?

They analysed how Jesus appeared in nativity paintings, compared with what the temperature would have been on 25 December, publishing their research in this week's Medical Journal of Australia.

Nativity PAINTINGS? They are publishing this research (if you can call it that) in the Medical Journal of Australia based on the IMAGINATION of artists, none of which were actually alive at the time of the birth of Jesus. Are any of the paintings they used even 1000 years old. I seriously doubt it. It's like the popular pictures of Jesus, which are of relatively recent origin. Someone painted what THEY thought Jesus may have looked like and it gradually became excepted that Jesus actually looks like that. If the real Jesus returned and walked among us today nobody would recognize Him.

The fact is, Jesus was NOT born on Dec 25 or anywhere near that date. I wrote about that previously.

At least they got something right in this article:

Pope Liberius decreed 25 December as the date for Christmas in the 4th century AD, possibly to compete with pagan festivals celebrating the winter solstice.

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