Monday, July 25, 2005

Why You Don't Swim During A Thunderstorm

Lightning injures four on Clearwater Beach

Pitcher, 46, and girlfriend Susan Berg, 35, said it appeared the male, standing in water that was not even waist high, took a direct hit. He looked to be coming toward shore when the bolt struck his head, Pitcher said.

The bolt flickered for about three seconds. Then, the man's arms went up in the air and the electricity appeared to lift him out of the water, Pitcher said. When the bolt disappeared, he dropped back in the water and sank, Pitcher said.

"It sucked him right out of the water," said Pitcher, a hospice nurse from Port Richey. "The lightning stopped, and it dropped him. I couldn't believe it. It was scary."

You would be surprised how many people won't get out of the water when a storm rolls in.

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