Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Sudden Destruction

Zombified Americans

The world's dumbest joke and one of the world's most brilliant military actions are curiously related.

The joke: The police chief who knew the bad guy was in the movie theater ordered all exits guarded. When the theater was emptied and it was clear the bad guy had gotten away, one of his cops shook his head and said, "We had all the exits closely guarded, Chief. He must have gone out one of the entrances."

The military act: Before World War II the French, fearing a strong and aggressive Germany, built an impregnable series of fortifications along France's border with Germany; the famous Maginot Line. Everybody agreed the German army could not get through it. They didn't have to. They went around it and took France out of the war, never even needing to bother Berlin for more ammunition. The famous Maginot Line extended only as far west as the Belgian border. Nobody in France, apparently, ever dreamed the Germans would take Belgium and go around it.

Underline, please, "Nobody ever dreamed." To understand the unique danger confronting America, a good place to begin is to realize we're already deep inside undreamed-of territory. Let's begin with the unprecedented dismantling of the America we thought would last forever. We, the people, are today like the decent people of France in 1940; standing there open-mouthed and zombified at the speed and brazenness with which the Obama team is "going around our defenses" and transmogrifying America into something unwanted, unwelcome and, until now, unimaginable. The key question is: If the Obama team is rebuked at the polls in 2010 and thrown out in 2012, can the damage be reversed? Already, maybe not!

There are many ways to say, "What's going on here?" The young people call it a "new paradigm." You can also say, "We're not in Kansas anymore!" Others would call it a "whole new ball game." What's so new? Well, in the old days, if Obama's policies were unpopular, he'd have to slow down, stop and reverse those policies. Votes, you understand! No more. The radical, almost violent, restructuring of America ignores unpopularity and plunges ahead buoyed by a compliant, not a complaining, media. The Obama team is showing about as much concern about their escalating unpopularity and their breathtaking election losses in 2009 as the Germans showed to French shock at the outflanking of the Maginot Line. The Obama game plan: "We'll shake it up so much while the American people stand there blinking that they won't even remember how it used to be!"

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