Monday, March 14, 2011

No Can Do

Quake shakes more than Japan
Worse than the obnoxious arrogance, the political/religious movement now known as climate change, or CC, is having a corrosive effect on a human quality that has enabled us to survive and thrive on this planet – adaptation.

CC puts the focus on every real and imagined negative effect of every human action, calling into question whether anything we do can ever be right. This focus would have prevented the major inventions of the last 200 years. We were a "can do" society; CC advocates the virtues of "can't do" and "never should have done."

"Can't do" societies do not last long. Adaptation to change is the primary human survival behavioral trait. Opposition to adaptation is suicide. Blaming every natural disaster on human activity is arrogant, wrong and folly.

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