Monday, February 09, 2004

To Protect and To Serve

How kidnapper-murderer was caught

My point? Government doesn't prevent crimes. Government doesn't solve crimes. Government doesn't punish crimes. Government fosters crime. Government encourages crime. Government enables crime.

From personal experience, the police are the cleanup crew. They write up a report and too often that's it. The criminals are long gone and if they are lucky they may find them. The police will not be around when you need them - you are on your own. That's the way it is. It doesn't matter how good the cop is, he's not there when you need him, he comes afterward.

Half the Country (or more) Still Won't Take These Guys Seriously

'Al-Qaida has nukes'

Williams quotes an anonymous federal official as saying: "The question isn't whether bin Laden has nuclear weapons, it's when he will try to use them."

I hope this isn't true, but I know we aren't finished with al-qaida, we haven't heard the last of them. We will have to throw the politically correct garbage out the window first. We can do it, we just don't have the national resolve yet.


I'm seriously considering getting some chickens. I've been checking out the different types and I would want some for eggs and perhaps some to eat. I like Buff Orpingtons for eating and eggs and Araucanas for the eggs. I like alot of the varieties I've seen but would only get one or two kinds. I think it would be a good experience for James too, he loves to look at the chicks in the feed store, he loves all kinds of animals. I don't know yet though. My main concern is what to do when I go on vacation. You can't leave chickens home alone like snakes.

Do You Like Curry?

I found an interesting curry site. It gave me a few new ideas.

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