Friday, June 30, 2006

Insanity on Parade

Al Gore. What more can you say.

Daisy Lynum, Orlando City Commissioner. Her son was pulled over because he had a headlight out. I work at night and 4 times now I have left home or work and one of my headlights had gone out and I have been pulled over every time. Every time. Twice within 4 blocks of my house. It is frustrating, it's a pain in the ass, and it makes you wonder if the police don't have better things to do. I have not received a ticket for it and her son did not receive a ticket until after Daisy Lynum went crazy and started calling the police "white boys" and making a Federal case out of it. They had to cover their asses because of the situation, that's why he got the ticket. It's only $11.00. Get over it.

White boy is not a racial slur only in her little world where blacks can't be racist. Actually it's not her world alone, that is widely taught in liberal institutions. They tried to get me to believe that too, reality won out.

"Two Saudi men accused of boarding a school bus full of students won't be prosecuted if they complete a pretrial intervention program for first-time offenders"

"They have to write an essay in English documenting their experience," said state attorney's spokeswoman Pam Bondi, adding that it would "aid other students from other cultures" by showing them "what is allowable and acceptable in our country."

Jessica Lunsford Case The confession of a man charged with kidnapping, raping and killing 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford isn't admissible in court.

Actually, when they discovered the body and the fact that what he said in his confession was true they should have buried him right there in the same hole, wrapped in the same plastic. Truth doesn't matter in our legal system.

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