"A man may deal with theory, and miss the whole impact of the truth." - G. Campbell Morgan
Saturday, December 30, 2006
The World Is A Better Place Today
Minutely so, perhaps, but better. Saddam Hussein is finally dead. They should have pulled him up dead from the hole they found him hiding in, but what can you do. This is not a cause for celebration, it's just something that desperately needed doing for the sake of justice. The fear that many in Iraq felt of his returning to power is gone. It's time to forget him and move on.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Godfather of Soul
An American icon, James Brown has died. He was 73 years old. He went fast, last I heard, at 10:30pm on Dec 24, he was in just hospitalized for pneumonia.
In the news
Friday, December 22, 2006
I'm Allergic to Crowds
I had to mail a package the other day and was, of course, dreading going to the post office because of the long lines. Usually I stop on my way home from work, around 7:30am, and use the self-service computer - whatever they call it. That day there was a line of about 7 people, I didn't have time to wait.
I decided to go before picking up the kids from school so I woke up early and headed to a satellite office nearby. As I walked in the only other customer was walking out, I didn't have to wait at all. Yeah! I drove over to Advance Auto Parts to dispose of some used oil and they just took the oil from me - in my disposable containers - I didn't have to dump it myself, as is usually the case. Great.
Irma wanted me to drop off a deposit at the bank so I headed over there, again, no line, just drove up and got it done. This was getting bizarre. I then went over to Home Depot to make a payment and there was no line there either. I thought this was the busiest shopping week of the year, what was going on?
I love this kind of day! I wonder if online shopping is cutting the crowds at the stores?
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Wake-Up Call Looming?
Doesn't matter, some people just will not hear it. Hit the snooze.
International moral relativism
As I have pointed out more than once, Israel has proven it would only use nuclear weapons in a last-resort defense of its population. Yet, Israel's enemies, personified by the suicide bombers who attack it relentlessly, would likely not even hesitate to use nuclear weapons if they ever had the chance.
But in our politically correct, multicultural world today, it is wrong to recognize differences between people - even when they are openly espousing diametrically opposite views and acting in completely different ways.
I don't expect a single moral relativist reading this column to agree with me about this. It's almost a litmus test. If you can't tell the difference between Israel and Iran, you are a moral relativist. If you can't see that Israel, with all its faults, represents a basic sort of decency and civility in the world, while Iran represents the opposite, then congratulations, you're a moral relativist. Or, maybe you're just plain evil - like the leaders of Iran.
Most of the world - or at least its leaders - fall into one of these two categories: moral relativist or evil. That's what makes out world so dangerous. And, increasingly, more Americans are falling into one of these two categories.
These people think they are making the world a safer, more secure place by advocating their foolhardy, tried-and-failed positions and attempting to impose their nebulous and evolving ideas. In fact, they are throwing gasoline on fires all over the globe.
These people also think - or say they think - that talking about our disagreements can almost always lead to resolution. Unfortunately, if you comprehend this simple message today, you need to know that these people may as well live in a parallel universe.
They cannot hear you. They do not have the ability to discern truth from lies. They no longer can discern right from wrong. They can't tell the difference between black and white, up and down, right from left. They cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy.
That is the essence of our times. That is the definition of international moral relativism. That is the world in which we live.
Danger, Danger, Danger
Monday, December 18, 2006
Every red, white and blue blooded American will want to hear this Born to Win program by Ron Dart: Gettysburg
A new page will open, right click on Gettysburg and save as ... to download.
It's a fascinating look at freedom and the price that must be paid to maintain it and it will only be available to download for a limited time.
12/19 - Sorry, looks like it's gone now.
If You Look Like Santa
... don't go to Walt Disney World. They'll kick you out.
I've seen people who look like Santa before, and that's just the way they look. They can't help it. I guess they could shave but they have every right not to. I have an idea, don't go to Disney.
Quote of the Day
...most people want to believe rather than to know, to take for granted rather than to find out -- James Thurber
Friday, December 15, 2006
I Thought Hot Particles Were Non-Migratory
This is interesting and not surprising.
Detailed observations from the first comet samples returned to Earth are debunking some of science's long-held beliefs on how the icy, celestial bodies form.
And how do they think they formed now?
Hot particles from the inner solar system migrated out to the cold, outer fringes beyond Pluto where they intermingled and congealed to form a comet.
Just before deciding which path they should take through the solar system.
What does that mean anyway? "Hot particles from the inner solar system migrated out to the cold, outer fringes?" Is the solar system made up of different elements in the inner and outer portions? I never knew that. Are they still hot particles when they migrate to the cold, outer fringes - is that the difference? Or do they become cold particles. How and why do they migrate? And what do you mean "migrate?" You mean like geese?
Why can't they just say they don't really know?
Video Editing
I had been using Windows Movie Maker to edit videos for YouTube but I've run into some snags. It's just not up to the task. You can't burn a DVD is the first problem, but I was able to get around it. My latest video I did a lot of editing and Movie Maker just couldn't handle it at all. I couldn't complete the movie and it started crashing.
Too bad. I kinda liked it because it's easy to use, but it won't get the job done. I downloaded Adobe Premiere Elements and Ulead Video Studio to tryout.
I don't know which one I like best. It takes time to get to know them and I don't have time to play with them all day. I've been leaning towards Adobe.
Anyway, I was able to get the video done. I should say redone. Here it is.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
3 Million Bees!
3 Million Bees Removed From Kitchen Of Couple's Apartment
They knew about the bees for 2-1/2 years and only now get around to getting them out? Weird.
"So we're trying to, like, get rid of most of them, but without professional help we can't. So now we almost ... They're biting me!'" Molina screamed, running from the home during an interview with reporters.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Sounds Like U.S.
He gives greatness to the nations, and destroys them. He spreads out the nations, and leads them away.
He takes away the heart of the chief of the people of the land, and causes them to wander in a wilderness where there is no path.
They grope in the dark without light, and He makes them to stagger like a drunkard. Job 12:23-25 MKJV
Thursday, December 07, 2006
"Islam is the New Giant of the World"
Terrorists rejoicing over new Iraq 'plan'
"[With the Iraq Study Group report], the Americans came to the conclusion that Islam is the new giant of the world and it would be clever to reduce hostilities with this giant. In the Quran the principle of the rotation is clear and according to this principle the end of the Americans and of all non-believers is getting closer," Abu Ayman said.
"It is not just a simple victory. It is a great one. The big superpower of the world is defeated by a small group of mujahedeen (fighters). Did you see the mujahedeens' clothes and weapons in comparison with the huge individual military arsenal and supply that was carrying every American soldier?" exclaimed Abu Abdullah,
Abu Abdullah said following a withdrawal from Iraq, the U.S. will be defeated on its own soil.
Wow, way to go Dems! That took no time at all. Way to sacrifice our nation on the alter of false peace.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
...And Darkness, They Call Light.
Living in the New Dark Ages
The word tolerance sounds great, but this is really tolerance with a twist; it demands that everyone has a right to express his or her own views as long as those views do not contain any suggestion of absolutes that would compete with the prevailing standard of relativism.
Usually those who promote tolerance the loudest also proclaim that the motives of religious people are suspect and that, therefore, their views on any matter must be disqualified. Strangely, socialists, Nazis, sadomasochists, pedophiles, spiritualists, or worshipers of Mother earth would not be excluded. Their right to free expression would be vigorously defended by the same cultural elite who are so easily offended when Christians or other religious people express their views.
But this paradoxical intolerance produces an even deeper consequence than silencing an unpopular point of view, for it completely transforms the nature of debate, public discussion, and consensus in society. Without root in some transcendent standard, ethical judgments become merely expressions of feelings or preference. "Murder is wrong" must be translated "I hate murder" or "I prefer that you not murder." Thus, moral claims are reduced to the level of opinion.
Opponents grow further and further apart, differing on a level so fundamental that they are unable even to communicate. When moral judgments are based on feelings alone, compromise becomes impossible. Politics can no longer be based on consensus, for consensus presupposes that competing moral claims can be evaluated according to some common standard. Politics is transformed into civil war, further evidence that the barbarians are winning.
Proponents of a public square sanitized of moral judgments purport that it assures neutrality among contending moral factions and guarantees certain basic civil rights. This sounds enlightened and eminently fair. In reality, however, it assures victory for one side of the debate and assures defeat of those with a moral structure based on a transcendent standard.
Historically, moral restraints deeply ingrained in the public consciousness provided the protective shield for individual rights and liberties. But in today's relativistic environment that shield can be easily penetrated. Whenever some previously unthinkable innovation is both technically possible and desirable to some segment of the population, it can be, and usually will be, adopted. The process is simple. First some practice so offensive it can hardly be discussed is advocated by some expert. Shock gives way to outrage, then to debate, and when what was once a crime becomes a debate, that debate usually ushers the act into common practice. Thus decadence becomes accepted. History has proven it over and over.
Massie On Sharpton
Lights, camera... Sharpton
I find it interesting that these people continue to demand that police be held accountable, but when will they hold themselves and their own accountable? Why is it they don't give a twit about black gang bangers killing one another, they certainly don't care about black gang bangers murdering police, as evidenced by their proud indifference to the murders of Andrews and Nemorin. Why aren't Sharpton and the so-called leaders in those housing projects identifying gangs and working with police to rid their neighborhoods of that element? Wouldn't a real man of God be more interested in reaching the people and neighborhood for Jesus than he would be in hustling the police department and mayor for filthy lucre? But then, I guess I answer my own question.
And along those same lines, this is good, too: No, the Cops Didn't Murder Sean Bell
"Stop the killing!" Since 1993, 11,353 people have been murdered in New York City. The large majority of victims and perpetrators have been black. Not a single one of those black-on-black killings has prompted protest or demonstrations from the city's black advocates. Sharpton, Barron, et al. are happy to let thousands of black victims get mowed down by thugs without so much as a whispered call for "peace" or "justice"; it's only when a police officer, trying to protect the public, makes a good faith mistake in a moment of intense pressure that they rise as vindicators of black life. (As for caring about slain police officers, forget about it. Sixteen cops-including several black policemen-have been killed since 1999, not one of whom elicited a public demonstration of condolence from the race hustlers.)
A Day in the Life
I didn't get a lot of sleep today. I took the kids to school and went to bed, but at 12:30 I heard Joshua talking. I thought I was dreaming, he's in school. I heard it again, it turns out he was at the bedroom window.
"Dad, Open the door" he's saying.
"What? What are you doing here?" I said, trying to figure out if I'm awake.
He told me James was sick. Irma was sick Monday and James was getting a cough, so I half expected it. But why was Joshua here, where was James and why didn't the school call me?
He said I didn't answer the phone. - I keep my cellphone next to the bed, it didn't ring. I'm not even awake yet, "They called me, didn't get an answer and sent you home anyway?" He says, "Yes, open the door."
My head is spinning. How does a school let your kids walk home without your permission and without even knowing if your home? What the hell is that?
I got up and dragged myself to the door, half naked. I opened the door and - Hello - there's one of the teachers standing there. Joshua neglected to tell me that part.
She said they called but they called the wrong number (???) and they let Joshua come home so he could babysit James while I sleep. Thanks for thinking about me. I didn't sleep again. I also looked on caller ID, no one called, they called the wrong number all right, good thing it wasn't an emergency.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
How to Eat Sushi
This is crazy. Just eat and enjoy. If someone is offended because you left a grain or two of rice on your plate or put down your chopsticks wrong, they have serious issues. Don't be a pig, but just eat and enjoy your food. Just don't let me catch you using the wrong fork for your salad.
When I lived in Japan I was told to always leave a little food on your plate so they will know you are finished. Otherwise they will think you want more. Go figure.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Horses Are Cool
I just put a new video on YouTube, check it out. It's James and I visiting with the horse across the street from us.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
The DVD is being released soon (Dec 5, I believe), so here is a review of the movie to help you decide if you should get it.
Another Reason Not To Smoke Crack
As if you needed another one: Man on crack when alligator attacked
A man who was attacked by an alligator this morning was naked and smoking crack at the time, Polk County deputies who rescued him said today.
The alligator had the man in his jaws when deputies arrived at Lake Parker in Lakeland about 4 a.m. today. They were called by nearby residents who reported hearing a man yelling for help.
I'm not sure lucky is the right word but it was an 11 foot gator - he's in real bad shape but he could have just disappeared had no one heard him screaming.
Be careful out there kiddies.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I Don't See It

This Jaguar was inspired by the body of Kate Winslet. I just don't see it. It looks like a handful of other cars of the same type. Looks good though.

Monday, November 27, 2006
Ministry of Silly Walks and Dictators
He spent nearly ten minutes trying to see which of four groups of demonstrators could cheer louder -- then told them all to be quiet.
"Whoever talks first will turn into a donkey," he thundered, only to break into his unmistakable giggle.
Yes, I'm drawing a comparison. That's what I see. Of course, John Cleese is much funnier. Chavez is dangerous to the people of Venezuela.
Friday, November 24, 2006
3 Little Pigs
James with his cousins, Eric and David on Thanksgiving day.
The voice-sync is off a bit because of the converting YouTube does, the original is perfect. I've often wondered why so many of their videos are like that.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Sedge Viper
This is a very cool video of a very beautiful and dangerous snake.
Thank you viperkeeper over on YouTube for some great videos.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Let It Snow!
Snow Reported In Central Florida
We get excited about a few flurries that melt before they reach the ground, you can see them if you look real hard up at a street light. Not where I live. It is getting a little brisk the last few days.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Waiting Game

This was my view Thursday morning on my way home. There was an accident in front of Medievel Times and they had all three lanes blocked for 45 minutes. I couldn't even turn around from where I was. What bugged me most was even after the ambulance and firetruck left they couldn't even get one lane open for another half hour. I could see a handful of cops standing around shooting the breeze and that's all.
Not putting any priority to getting a lane open seems to be standard practice around here. I know taking care of the injured is more important but after they've been helped and have left the scene how about getting a lane open. Please.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Did You Know ... ?
Newspaper editorials in Iran claim 50% of Israel was destroyed in the recent 33-day Lebanon war. (At least)
"In the 33-day war, the Lebanese Hizbullah destroyed at least 50% of Israel [and therefore] half the path to the liberation of Jerusalem equals 33 days. Now, only (at most) 50% of the path [to Israel's destruction] remains. This remaining 50% is easier than the 50% that was already accomplished.
Wow, 50% destroyed. The Western media really missed that.
"It must not be forgotten that the great war is ahead of us, [and it will break out] perhaps tomorrow, or in another few days, or in a few months, or even in a few years. The nation of Muslims must prepare for the great war, so as to completely wipe out the Zionist regime, and remove this cancerous growth. Like the Imam [Ayatollah] Khomeini said: 'Israel must collapse."
No war yet though, no worries, go back to what you were doing. Well, as soon as Bush is out of office and the troops are withdrawn from Iraq they won't bother us anymore anyway. We'll let them have Israel. And France. Britain, yeah Britain too. And Spain, can't forget Spain.
So, we give them Israel, France, Britain and Spain and ... wait, they want Germany, too. Ok, we can do this. We can make this problem go away. They can have Europe, Asia and the Middle East and we'll throw in Venezuela. Then we'll have peace, right?
Proof Of life On Earth?

Don't think it'll work, everyone knows aliens prefer tacos.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
This Brings Back Memories
The guys at Yamato Damacy climbed Mt. Fuji in Japan and video blogged it. I only wish they had timed the climb. Before starting at station 5 they were all excited and ready to go. At station 8 they were tired but the sign says 3 more hours. At the top it was cloudy, misty and cold and their mood changes, maybe this wasn't such a great idea.
That's about the way it is. When I climbed I had a clear night and saw the sun rise (you climb all night), it was still exciting at that point. After the climb down, which is a different route and zig zags down through volcanic ash, you swear you will never do it again.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
These Colors Don't Run ... They Just Redeploy
Mark Steyn says U.S. must prove it's a staying power
As it is, we're in a very dark place right now. It has been a long time since America unambiguously won a war, and to choose to lose Iraq would be an act of such parochial self-indulgence that the American moment would not endure, and would not deserve to. Europe is becoming semi-Muslim, Third World basket-case states are going nuclear, and, for all that 40 percent of planetary military spending, America can't muster the will to take on pipsqueak enemies. We think we can just call off the game early, and go back home and watch TV.
It doesn't work like that. Whatever it started out as, Iraq is a test of American seriousness. And, if the Great Satan can't win in Vietnam or Iraq, where can it win? That's how China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Venezuela and a whole lot of others look at it. "These Colors Don't Run" is a fine T-shirt slogan, but in reality these colors have spent 40 years running from the jungles of Southeast Asia, the helicopters in the Persian desert, the streets of Mogadishu. ... To add the sands of Mesopotamia to the list will be an act of weakness from which America will never recover.
Here are some people who know not to give up when the going gets tough.
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill
Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.
Dale Carnegie
Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.
William Feather
Monday, November 13, 2006
We Support Your Right To Destroy Us
China sub secretly stalked U.S. fleet
I don't know what to say about this. On the one hand we KNOW China is building arms against the United States, the information is out there, we know their philosophy of war, we know we really can't trust them. On the other hand we are trying to be best buddies with China, building their economy, giving them advanced technology, we even have a military exchange program. I wonder who benefits most from that? And I don't think this is a case of "keep your enemies closer."
We do the same with our Islamist enemies. We know how they make treaties in order to regroup and regain advantage and what do we do? We make treaties and are surprised when they are broken. We make excuses, we finance them. We are, my friends, the ultimate enabler.
I'm not saying we have to be the aggressor but we sure as hell shouldn't be the enabler. We not only make it possible for our enemies to attack us, we protect their rights to do it. Something is drastically wrong with this picture and we're all standing around admiring the artistic value.
It's like we are on the Titanic and we see the iceberg in plenty of time to avoid it, but we just don't want to leave the dance to go steer the ship, we're having too much fun.
The Democrats are going to improve the situation? Cock-a-doodle-doo people, it's morning. Wake up!
It's maddening. The United States needs an intervention.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Forget Global Warming ...
Aliens could attack at anytime!
Which of these will kill you first?
- Aliens!
- Global Warming
- Meteorite or comet
- Super Volcano
- Conservatives
- Super Hurricane
- Tidal Wave
This Is A Test
Of your internet connection speed at Speedtest.net. I've seen these tests before but this one is slick. Click on the yellow pyramid to test your computer. They provide a graphic you can cut and past. Here's mine:
This is a great way to see if your ISP is giving you the speed you pay for.
H/T - #!/usr/bin/geek
Thursday, November 09, 2006
America Wants a New Direction
25-point manifesto for the new Congress
Remember the old adage: Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
On The Ground, Now!
I was just sitting here at work surfing the web and watching "Dog, the Bounty Hunter" and heard an episode of "Cops" happening outside. I got up to see what was going on and there were six cars in the entrance of the parking lot, lights flashing and cops with guns drawn yelling "On the ground, now!" I saw three people on the ground, at least one female. I wonder what they did? I didn't ask, just kept my distance. Had nothing to do with the hotel anyway.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Gatorland Burns

This post is merely to provide a break between the laughing baby and the post below. I just didn't want to put the two together. And for your amusement ... a joke.
Two vampire bats wake up in the middle of the night, thirsty for blood. One says, "Let's fly out of the cave and get some blood."
"We're new here," says the second one. "It's dark out, and we don't know where to look. We'd better wait until the other bats go with us."
The first bat replies, "Who needs them? I can find some blood somewhere." He flies out of the cave.
When he returns, he is covered with blood.
The second bat says excitedly, "Where did you get the blood?"
The first bat takes his buddy to the mouth of the cave. Pointing into the night, he asks, "See that black building over there?"
"Yes," the other bat answers.
"Well," says the first bat, "I didn't."
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Death by Hanging
Saddam Hussein has been sentenced to death by hanging. He should already be dead, but what ya gonna do? Now how long before it actually happens? That's another story. His death will finally allow Iraq to move on without fear of his coming back. As long as he's alive, anything is possible - and they know that.
The Only Issue This Election Day
I wish everyone was required to read this before voting: The Only Issue This Election Day by Orson Scott Card, a Democrat.
The frustrating thing is that if people would just look, honestly, at the readily available data from the Muslim world, they would realize that we are winning and that the course President Bush is pursuing is, in fact, the wisest one.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of news organizations trying to keep you from the truth.
Meanwhile, we have this election. You have your vote. For the sake of our children's future -- and for the sake of all good people in the world who don't get to vote in the only election that matters to their future, too -- vote for no Congressional candidate who even hints at withdrawing from Iraq or opposing Bush's leadership in the war. And vote for no candidate who will hand control of the House of Representatives to those who are sworn to undo Bush's restrained but steadfast foreign policy in this time of war.
Agree or disagree, it's worth reading the entire article.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Where's the Film?
'UFO' caught on film
Italian UFO buffs are excited about a mysterious ball of light caught on film in Sicily at the weekend .
Is it a secret film, why the delay? And only one person got it on tape even though it was there for 2 hours?
Sicily's self-styled 'UFO Centre' said it would view the tape in the next few days .
The southern island appeared to be a favourite destination for UFOs, the centre said .
Yes, UFOs simply love Sicily this time of year, can't keep them away.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Keep Talking, Johnny
Some people just don't know when to shut up.
It's just a daily reminder to never, ever vote Democratic. No matter how bad it gets, it can always be worse.
Ignore the prominent, blue, double-underlined words on that page. They are annoying advertisements that have nothing to do with the context.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Quote of the Day
The apostle Paul tells us that life is a struggle, a life and-death conflict between two opposing forces. If we try to ignore the conflict, if we do not firmly choose the right side and take up our armor and our weapons for the battle, we will inevitably find ourselves jarred and shaken by spiritual reality. We may even become casualties of a battle we thought we could wish away. Truth has a way of intruding on our pleasant little illusions.--Ray Stedman, Spiritual Warfare
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Mark Steyn Interview
Friday, October 27, 2006
Early Voting
I love early voting. It's better to have a range of days to get out and vote rather than having everyone do it on one day. I voted today and they had computer voting machines. It's the first time I used them and I found it extremely easy. In fact, James was with me and he was scrolling and changing pages for me. Not that I needed that, he wanted to, but it was so self-explanatory that he did it without any instruction at all. I want to say if a 6-year old could do it anyone can but there's always a small percentage of people who will screw it up no matter what.
And everyone working there was very friendly and helpful, almost bizarrely so. They asked me for a photo ID and verified my address as well. What if I said I didn't have one? I didn't ask. Should have.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Tip of the Iceburg
A very interesting video interview of Mark Steyn by Michelle Malkin. Must see internet TV.
"Americans, in my experience, are a lot nicer than Europeans when things get unpleasant. On the continent they go through these phases where they pay lip service to multiculturalism and celebrate diversity and all the rest of it, but at a certain point, when they realize that they're looking at a life and death situation, a percentage of them will change in very unpleasant ways ..."
Monday, October 23, 2006
The Problem With Iraq
Iraq was never supposed to be easy but by far the two greatest reasons we are having problems are 1.) the detractors on the left who have inflicted great harm on our country's morale and given moral support (and sometimes actual support) to our enemy and 2.) political correctness which permeates our society and severely weakens our ability to wage war when necessary.
It is very unfortunate that war is sometimes necessary and I pray the day comes soon when there will be no more tears in the world, but now, war is necessary. War is not the answer*, we will not fight a war which will make future wars unnecessary, but in this world evil pops it's ugly head up from time to time and it must be put down fast and with no mercy in order to save innocent lives.
*The answer is Jesus Christ.
Just Another Mad Clown
Che Guevara: 39 Years of Hype
I guess all the cool people will be wearing Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden t-shirts soon enough.
R.I.P. Pink Flamingo
Everyone's favorite pink lawn ornament has passed. I actually haven't seen one of those in I don't know how long.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
The Watchmaker
This little animation examines the complexity of the natural world: The Watchmaker
Probably won't persuade anyone dead set against God but what can you do?
I went to the
I guess that's why so many believe it. Most people don't really think about what they believe, whether it's evolution or God. They believe what they believe and don't let the details get in their way. Of course, some are just so set on what they believe that it colors everything they look at.
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened. --Sir Winston Churchill
How It's Done
Beth Greer, 73, and her husband Tommy Greer, 60, say they returned home from work shortly before 11pm Monday night. Within minutes, they were staring down the barrel of a gun.
"I heard a shot go off and, of course, I just knew he had killed Tommy. In an instant, he stepped back into the garage. One step in the garage, still with his gun pointed at me, and I just opened fire on him. I just shot, shot, shot, shot," Beth Greer remembered.
Well done. No one else will protect you and the police will just stop by after you're dead and fill out the proper forms - it's just the way it is.
Sheriff George Payne said, "Historically, we don't release the names of victims like this, and they're victims involved in shootings. But they wanted to do that to tell their story so the rest of the public knows that this is America and we're not going to be intimidated by these thugs that think they can come to our homes and rob us or shoot us, and we're not just going be intimidated and roll over for them. Quite frankly, there was a gun battle there and she won the gun battle and this outlaw lost his life."
"A few times we'd had incidents that's happened at the shop. I've often sat and wondered, 'What would I do if somebody did come in and pull a gun? What would I do?' Now I know what I will do because I was able to get through that. I won't ever, ever hesitate to pull a gun and shoot somebody if they come at me," said Beth Greer.
A Big Difference
I saw the report on the news about the stingray that jumped into a boat here in Florida and stabbed a man in the chest. It didn't make sense to me how that could happen but that's what was said. I even saw a woman on Fox News blaming the event on global warming and that didn't make any sense to me either. Granted, I missed the very beginning but, come on - global warming?
Well, the truth comes out. The stingray apparently did jump into the boat but the man was only stabbed when he picked it up to throw it overboard. That makes a heck of a lot more sense, so why didn't they say that on the news. Why make it seem like the stingray attacked him?
Don't trust the news to get anything right, don't pick up stingrays, and global warming has nothing to do with this.
Update: I just saw Jeff Corwin on Fox say that it isn't unusual for these stingrays to jump out of the water. I guess the timing was right and it landed in the boat. It was a complete accident, it didn't attack or anything close. Everything would have been fine if he had not picked it up.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Mo Hotta

I was so curious about the heat of the more potent Blair's Death Sauce that I ordered some and just received them yesterday. I got the Mega Death Sauce and Dave's Ultimate Insanity Sauce, the Cholula sauce was free. I said the Original Death Sauce was delicious but not as hot as I had expected. Well, the Mega Death Sauce makes up for that. This is a seriously hot sauce, not for the uninitiated. I put a few dabs of the sauce in some jambalaya and I was sweating for about half an hour. Very nice. Mega Death Sauce is worthy of the name. It's also pretty smooth, a very strong heat but not biting, no tears, just a long lasting, lip numbing heat.
The Dave's Insanity Sauce is good, too. I tried it on some Doritos. Just a drop will do. It's not quite as hot as the Mega Death sauce but it's still a seriously hot sauce, be careful.
The Cholula sauce is very good, it's from Mexico. It's just not all that hot. It's great for adding flavor and would work very well on Mexican food.
I don't always like my food spicy. In fact, sometimes I would rather not add heat at all. I just like to be prepared for when I'm in the mood and now I am definitely prepared for all occasions. I am a Blair's fan! And Mo Hotta Mo Betta has great service and great products.
Monday, October 16, 2006

I bought a couple of bottles of hot sauce while in Port Jefferson, NY at a hot sauce store. I've had the Santava! before and love it, it's a great tasting sauce. I've never tried Blairs hot sauce before (on the left). I know Blairs has a reputation for the hottest sauces and I wanted to try one. I decided against the super hot sauces made with pure capsaicin but I wish I hadn't. The Blair's Original Death Sauce is delicious, no doubt about it. I got the one with chipotle added and I love the taste. I will not complain one bit about the taste. But the name? Death Sauce. I expected a seriously hot sauce. When I eat sushi I like to put wasabi on it so that tears just barely come to my eyes. I thought I could get this out of the Death Sauce but it really isn't that hot. It's delicious and it's got some heat to it but I poured it on my eggs this morning and it wasn't in the least bit uncomfortable. It's got it all over Tabasco though.
Here it is at Mo Hotta Mo Betta - use extreme caution it says.
I had this one in my hand, should have tried it. Or better yet.
B-2 or Not B-2

On the way home Saturday afternoon, driving through Delaware, I believe, or Maryland on I-95 I noticed what looked like a UFO flying around. It was a B-2 Bomber and it was very hard to keep my eyes on the road. When it was turning it was very obvious but when it leveled out it was hard to see, it almost disappeared because it's so flat. A very cool plane.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Guiding Light
Friday, October 06, 2006
Take Your Fish For A Walk?
Well, now you can, with the Terranaut
Between this post and the next, it's apparent that some people really do have too much time on their hands. At least these guys are doing something constructive, if not actually useful.
Most Expensive House
And it sits on the head of a pin. Incredible.
Can you imagine using the hair from a dead spider's leg as a paint brush?
He added: "To actually work on a project this small takes a lot of discipline. I have to slow my nervous system right down."
"I have to take a deep breath and work in between heart beats as any movement or pulse through my finger would obliterate the sculpture."
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Please, No More ...
Accident commercials! It seems the latest rage in TV commercials is showing a car accident. Volkswagen, insurance companies and I just saw one from a distracted drivers awareness group. I don't need to see more car accidents.
One insurance commercial shows a guy tossing his coffee cup onto the passenger seat and after the accident it's still sitting right there at the edge of the seat. People need seatbelts but cups don't play by the laws of physics I guess.
Volkswagen's surprise accident commercials are the worst. They don't make me want to buy a volkswagen, they make me want to change the channel.
It reminds me of a radio commercial I used to hear. No clue what the product was but the commercial started with teeth grinding and the announcer said he would play that sound until you buy the product. The second the commercial would come on I would change the station. Like I said, "No clue what the product was."
Societal Cancer
Melanie Phillips says Australian Prime Minister John Howard "is the only western leader who has grasped that the greatest danger to the west lies in the way it has been attacked and undermined from within, a process that is continuing and which threatens to hand liberal democracy over to its Islamic enemies who are laying siege to it from without."
I don't know if he's the only leader to believe it but he's the only one to come out and say it. That takes a lot of guts.
Forget Wooden Nickels, Don't Take Checks
You sell something on eBay and the buyer sends a check, so you take it to the bank it's issued by to make sure it's a good check. "She said it was a valid account and that there were funds to cover it."
So what do you do? You cash it ... and the bank has you arrested for cashing a phony check.
Clark Howard is not very pleased with the banks behavior and is asking people to remove their money from all Bank of America accounts until they pay half of the guys court costs. Howard even offered to pay half, so far, no go.
Mentos and Diet Coke Vs. Face
You've probably seen the exploding coke videos that have spread all over the internet, if not, when you drop a Mentos candy into a bottle of Coke it explodes like a geyser. This guy thought it would be a good idea to let it explode into his mouth. Very funny.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Forgiveness and Joy
The Day Of Atonement by Charles Spurgeon
Beloved, let us go into our houses with joy; let us go into our gates with praise. The atonement is finished; the High Priest is gone within the vail; salvation is now complete. He has laid aside the linen garments, and he stands before you with his breastplate, and his mitre, and his embroidered vest, in all his glory. Hear how he rejoices over us, for he hath redeemed his people, and ransomed them out of the hands of his enemies. Come, let us go home with the High Priest; let us clap our hands with joy, for he liveth, he liveth; the atonement is accepted, and we are accepted too; the scapegoat is gone, our sins are gone with it. Let us then go to our houses with thankfulness, and let us come up to his gates with praise, for he hath loved his people, he hath blessed his children, and given unto us a day of atonement, and a day of acceptance, and a year of jubilee. Praise ye the Lord? Praise ye the Lord!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
It Was Only A Matter Of Time
GORE: Cigarette smoking 'SIGNIFICANT' contributor to global warming
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore warned hundreds of U.N. diplomats and staff on Thursday evening about the perils of climate change, claiming: Cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global warming!"
That man is self-destructing before our eyes. His life now depends on global warming being all he says it is - and it isn't.
"Must ... Convince ... World ... Aaaaahhhh!"
Friday, September 29, 2006
Prepare To Be Addicted
Falling Sand Game
It's not really a game, you don't win, you just waste a lot of time. But it is amusing.
Thanks Annika.
They Got Him
Yesterday in Lakeland, Florida a police officer and police dog were shot and the suspect escaped into a wooded area. They surrounded the area quickly but he was at large all night. When I got to work last night there were 4 police cars out front, I thought maybe we had been robbed, but they were there looking for that guy. One of our guests says they saw him going into a room.
No one was in the room but we watched the video of the woman checking in and driving to the room. Unconclusive. There was no sign of the guy. They wanted me to call the room and call them when someone answered but no one ever answered the phone. I went home and saw this morning that they killed the suspect in the area he was last seen. That's the way to do it.
Anti-Bush Election Cycle Commercial
Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Democrats. No, my mistake, it's from Al-Qaida. I'm sorry, I just can't tell the difference anymore, the "talking points" are exactly the same.
Are We Already Submitting To Islam?
Watch this short clip from Jihad Watch provided by Hot Air.
Our actions, even though motivated by different reasons, are interpreted as submission by the Islamists. If we dare get out of line the hate goes into overdrive.
I wish we would all just ignore the hissy-fit they throw every other day. No twenty-four hour news coverage, no cameras. Just ignore them. We need to go about our lives as if their opinion doesn't matter - because it really doesn't. We are not doing anything that would insult a sensible human being and we cannot let the insensible define the standards of our behavior.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
If Anyone Thirsts ...
Please notice in the left column I have added a media player from Odeo which plays a daily book of the bible overview from Ray Stedman. Mr. Stedman's biblical exposition makes an excellent complement to the Born to Win broadcast I have linked above it.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Tellin' It Like It Is
Somebody's gotta do it. When the Pope got them all riled up everyone kinda side-stepped away, whistling and looking the other way - Pope, Pope who? I don't know any Pope. Not one leader stepped up to the plate for him.
Letter to mankind from Faith Freedom International
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Sandhill Friends

I went out and sat on the front porch to read this morning and as soon as I sat down a couple of Sandhill Cranes wandered over and stood within a couple of feet from me. One was watching my flag and looking at me and the other was digging around for some food. It's amazing how little fear they have of people. Even when James (the Turkey chaser) saw them and came out they just walked quietly a few feet further.
Self Reliance
Israelis pessimistic on eve of Jewish New Year
As I read this article what stood out to me was there was no mention of God at all.
"We are buried under a mountain of problems," he says. "And unfortunately, I can't see any breakthough in the next year."
It seems as though Israel is just like any other secular nation. I know this article is just a snapshot and not necessarily how everyone is feeling but I think it does reflect the condition of the country based on what is happening to them.
They are doing exactly what they have done over and over again - forgetting God and relying on their own strength. And what is happening to them is the same thing that has happened to them before - their enemies are getting stronger and things are looking bleak. Anyone who has read through the history of Israel in the bible knows where this is leading and it's not good news.
How does it go? "He who forgets history is doomed to repeat it."
"It is a shame Sharon is no longer in power. Such things wouldn't have happened if he had been around," Elias says.
Yeah, it's a shame.
Friday, September 22, 2006
To Kill or Not to Kill?
From And the Truth Shall Set You Free on the Faith Freedom website.
Does your faith endorse violence, or does it not? If it doesn't endorse violence, then how can you react with violence? And if it does in fact endorse violence, then what exactly is your gripe, man?
Also on that website is another article, Islam was Not Spread with The Help of Sword!
This author explains how utterly peace loving the Muslims have been lo these hundreds of years but, now, they just can't take any more and they are going to kill us all. Please read this, it is vitally important that everyone understand this. You get to laugh in the next post but right now understand that millions of people actually believe this stuff. Really.
Muslims have taken thus far all the wild accusations and allegations against their Prophet and the religiion he founded by lying low. They hoped that the innuendos against their religion would stop one day, but that has not happened. Instead, the enemies of Islam have intensified their attacks on their peaceful religion. Being peace-loving followers of Islam, Muslims suffered them with smiles on their faces. They did not resort to violence even when some of the western newspapers blasphemed against their Prophet by publishing his cartoons.
Even the Pope has failed to check his temptation to malign Islam, and he joined those who are bent upon harming it.
Enough is enough. Muslims will not tolerate the excesses of the enemies of Islam any further. They have risen up and are now determined to take on the whole non-Muslim world in order to defend their religion. They have also realized that they cannot protect their religion from the attacks of its enemies until all of them are converted to Islam.
So, be aware the non-Muslims of the world! You have provoked the peace-loving Muslims into taking drastic actions against you and all those you love.
To take revenge, Muslims are coming to your door-steps. They will do what their predecessors had never done: they will now use sword, or any weapon that kills, to force you to accept Islam.
If you refuse to follow their orders, they will kill you and convert your sisters, wives and daughters into their slaves. They will ravage everything you have built and then will rebuild them on the pattern described by Islam.
Muslims will remove all the injustices from the face of the earth. They have already done that in the countries they call [Islamic States]. In their states, Muslims have been enjoying all the amenities, and bliss, of heaven. In these states, there is no crime; all the people are equal, and there is no enmity among their inhabitants, for Islam is the only religion that promotes love and affection among its followers.
Before falling on you with all their vengeance, Muslims want to give you a chance: you should listen carefully to their protest against the remarks of the Pope and cave in to their demands. You should do exactly what they want you to do. Your failure to listen to them, and in time, will spell doom for you and for all those who are around you.
If and when you, the non-Muslims of the world, face doom, you will not be able to claim that you were not warned. You have been warned adequately. But you refused to listen. So, whatever happens to you, it will be the consequence of your own misconception, failure and foolishness.
Neither will you be able to blame the Muslims for your plights and sufferings. They, too, have given you enough indications of their intentions. You elected to ignore them. So, be prepared to be killed, or to live as slaves of your Muslim masters.
Yes, we have been warned. Over and over and over. When will we take it seriously? Do we really have to lose a city or two before we get it?
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Peas in a Pod
It's interesting how the enemies of America and the left have basically the same rhetoric. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez drools over himself praising Noam Chomsky and his latest anti-American diatribe while speaking at the U.N. General Assembly today.
"Representatives of the governments of the world, good morning to all of you. First of all, I would like to invite you, very respectfully, to those who have not read this book, to read it. Noam Chomsky, one of the most prestigious American and world intellectuals, Noam Chomsky, and this is one of his most recent books, 'Hegemony or Survival: The Imperialist Strategy of the United States.'" [Holds up book, waves it in front of General Assembly.]
"It's an excellent book to help us understand what has been happening in the world throughout the 20th century, and what's happening now, and the greatest threat looming over our planet. The hegemonic pretensions of the American empire are placing at risk the very survival of the human species. We continue to warn you about this danger and we appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our heads. I had considered reading from this book, but, for the sake of time," [flips through the pages, which are numerous] "I will just leave it as a recommendation.
It reads easily, it is a very good book, I'm sure Madame [President] you are familiar with it. It appears in English, in Russian, in Arabic, in German. I think that the first people who should read this book are our brothers and sisters in the United States, because their threat is right in their own house. The devil is right at home. The devil, the devil himself, is right in the house.
"And the devil came here yesterday. Yesterday the devil came here. Right here." [crosses himself]
"And it smells of sulfur still today."
That's not sulphur and it came in with you and your buddies Hugo.
Never Heard of This Before
Panda Bites Man, Man Bites Him Back
A drunken Chinese migrant worker jumped into a panda enclosure at the Beijing Zoo, was bitten by the bear and retaliated by chomping down on the animal's back, state media said Wednesday.
I think he's lucky he isn't dead
Not Many Liberals Get It ...
But, Sam Harris does. In his article, "Head-in-the-Sand Liberals, he confesses that "liberalism has grown dangerously out of touch with the realities of our world - specifically with what devout Muslims actually believe about the West, about paradise and about the ultimate ascendance of their faith."
A cult of death is forming in the Muslim world - for reasons that are perfectly explicable in terms of the Islamic doctrines of martyrdom and jihad. The truth is that we are not fighting a "war on terror." We are fighting a pestilential theology and a longing for paradise.
He hits at the 9/11 conspiracy theorists so prevalent on the left:
Such an astonishing eruption of masochistic unreason could well mark the decline of liberalism, if not the decline of Western civilization. There are books, films and conferences organized around this phantasmagoria, and they offer an unusually clear view of the debilitating dogma that lurks at the heart of liberalism: Western power is utterly malevolent, while the powerless people of the Earth can be counted on to embrace reason and tolerance, if only given sufficient economic opportunities.
I don't know how many more engineers and architects need to blow themselves up, fly planes into buildings or saw the heads off of journalists before this fantasy will dissipate. The truth is that there is every reason to believe that a terrifying number of the world's Muslims now view all political and moral questions in terms of their affiliation with Islam. This leads them to rally to the cause of other Muslims no matter how sociopathic their behavior. This benighted religious solidarity may be the greatest problem facing civilization and yet it is regularly misconstrued, ignored or obfuscated by liberals.
In that last paragraph he brings up a very important point. You have the Muslim fanatics on one front, killing and destroying and otherwise calling the worlds attention to themselves. They are the ones we're "at war" with. But you have a lot of moderate Muslims, mostly in the West and especially in America and Canada, who don't call attention to themselves in that way. They don't kill, and they say they are peaceful, that the violent Muslims have hijacked their religion, yada, yada, yada. They present a peaceful front. But they also can't quite bring themselves to condemn those violent Muslims, some come close - kinda, sorta - but there's that point they just can't go beyond.
I'm not saying that they are just waiting to become violent, they're not. They don't like violence, they want a good life, for themselves and their children. They don't want to hurt anyone and they don't want anyone to hurt them. They're good people.
They're good people and they're Muslim. As such, they want to spread Islam throughout the world. That's what the hardcore Muslims want to do, too. Same goal, two different approaches to it. That's why the good Muslims don't come out and condemn the violence. They wouldn't do it themselves, but hey, if someone converts to Islam by the sword, well, that's another Muslim. They'll take it.
Two faces, one head. They need the two faces of Islam, that's how it works. They use each other, they need each other and it works like a charm.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Prayer Wisdom
The One Important Thing
I think prayer is difficult for a lot of people. What should I say, how long and how often should I pray, what if I just don't know how to express how I feel? Here Ron Dart shares some very helpful thoughts on prayer.
Spending some time in meditation before speaking is probably a good idea. And it seems good to distill your requests into the things that are truly important while we gather up the rest in the general manner of the Lord's Prayer, "Give us today our daily bread." After all, God already knows what we need before we ask him. Think for a moment. If you were only going to get one thing you ask for today, what would that one thing be? And why is that one thing so important? Not long ago, in making my way through 2 Kings, I came upon a prayer by Hezekiah and God's response to it. He had a letter from an invading king which he took to the Temple and spread out before God. The answer was not long in coming:
Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to Hezekiah, saying, "Thus says the LORD God of Israel: 'Because you have prayed to Me against Sennacherib king of Assyria, I have heard'"(2 Kings 19:20 NKJV).
And the implication is that if he hadn't asked, God would not have heard, nor would he have acted. So that one thing we really want to ask can be of paramount importance. But perhaps you are struggling with that question. It is intimidating in a way.
There's more, but if it's been a while since posting this you may have to scroll down.
See You On the Dark Side of the Moon
Another artist flaunting misguided political views, this time it's Roger Waters. Not a complete surprise, he's flirted with it before but this time it's gone too far for my tastes.
In case the Drudge Report link stops working he's written "Impeach Bush" and "Don't be led to the slaughter, vote Democrat Nov 2nd" on the huge floating pig he uses at his concerts. He also "juxtaposed pictures of the President, Karl Rove, Ronald Reagan, and Margaret Thatcher with pictures of Osama bin Laden, Mao Zedong, Stalin, and other world tyrants."
Video of the pig
I've overlooked his past political jabs because I know he lost his father in WWII but there comes a time to put that behind you and face reality. No way would I go to his concert knowing this was going on. What is he thinking? Is someone in his fan base going to vote Democrat because Roger Waters thinks he should? No, they will not go to his concerts though, just ask the Dixie Chicks.
I don't think he's even an American citizen, he's English, possible he became one I guess but I don't think so.
In honor of Eric Fletcher Waters (d. 1944 Anzio WWII): When the Tigers Broke Free
What Time Is It?
It's Time for the U.S. to Unite, but it may as well be Howdy Doody time cause I don't see any uniting happening in the near future.
Ed Koch makes a lot of sense in that commentary but I don't believe Democrats see him as one of there own any more and I don't think they hear what he is saying. Well, I know they don't. Shame.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Here's Something You Don't Hear Everyday
Woman bites dog
Woman shoots dog would have been a better ending in this case, but it could have been worse.
Friday, September 15, 2006
The Clear View
If you don't already know, Michelle Malkin does a video blog over at Hot Air. It started off good and it keeps getting better, she'll have a TV show of her own soon.
Friday's Hot Air Vent, she talks with Mary Katharine Ham about what Rosie O'Donnell said on the View - "Radical Christianity is just as threatening as Radical Islam, in a country like America."
Doggin' the Dog
Bounty hunter Duane 'Dog' Chapman arrested
U.S. Marshalls arrested him on behalf of Mexico. You see, it was against Mexican law for The Dog to go to Mexico and bring back an American citizen to stand trial in America for a rape which happened in America.
Mexico is among the more corrupt governments, why would we send an American citizen to Mexico to stand trial for something so trivial? There's got to be a way to smooth it over without sending him back. He's got a TV show now, got some money in his pocket - how about finding the right palm to grease? That's the way it works down there, isn't it?
What is this love affair our government has with Mexico?
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Muslim anger grows at Pope speech
The Pope:
Stressing that they were not his own words, he quoted Emperor Manual II Paleologos of the Byzantine Empire, the Orthodox Christian empire which had its capital in what is now the Turkish city of Istanbul.
The emperor's words were, he said: "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
Head of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed Mahdi Akef:
The remarks do not express correct understanding of Islam
He also said the Pope's remarks "aroused the anger of the whole Islamic world"
How do you arouse something that never abates? Muslims, it seems, are always furious, angry, insulted, offended, enraged, or stirred up.
"Muslims have the right to be angry and hurt by these comments from the highest cleric in Christianity," Mr Qardawi reportedly said.
Here's a story from the writings of Ray Stedman:
Dr. H. A. Ironside used to tell a story that took place when he was only nine or ten years old. His mother took him to a church business meeting. The meeting erupted into a quarrel between two men. One of them stood and pounded the desk, saying, "All I want is my rights."
Sitting nearby was an old Scotsman, somewhat hard of hearing, who cupped his hand behind his ear and said, "Aye, brother, what's that you say? What do you want?"
The angry gentleman replied, "I just said that all I want is my rights, that's all!"
The old Scot snorted, "Your rights, brother? Is that what you want, your rights? Well, I say if you had your rights, you'd be in hell. The Lord Jesus Christ didn't come to get His rights, He came to get His wrongs. And He got 'em."
The fellow who had been bickering stood transfixed for a moment--then he abruptly sat down and said, "You're right. Settle it any way you like." --From "Adventuring through the Bible" by Ray C. Stedman
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
9/11 Afterthought
Watching all the footage from that day makes me angry. Not just at the Islamic Facsists that did it but at the people in our own country who sabotage the efforts to keep it from happening again. They are responsible for prolonging the war, the pain, the tears.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Florida Rockin'
Sunday morning I slept for a few hours and when I got up James told me he heard the space shuttle land. "The space shuttle? The space shuttle didn't land today." "Yes," he said, I heard it."
We hear two loud sonic booms when the space shuttle passes overhead and it shakes the house.
I didn't push the issue, I thought maybe he heard something else. We were watching the news and they said there was a 6.0 earthquake in the Gulf of Mexico at the time James heard the sound. Wow. I told him it wasn't the space shuttle, it was an earthquake. "What's an earthquake?" he said.
It's A Good Thing...
They got them Americans outta Abu Graib - now they can REALLY torture the prisoners.
An independent witness who went into Abu Ghraib this week told The Sunday Telegraph that screams were coming from the cell blocks housing the terrorist suspects. Prisoners released from the jail this week spoke of routine torture of terrorism suspects and on Wednesday, 27 prisoners were hanged in the first mass execution since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime.
Conditions in the rest of the jail were grim, with an overwhelming stench of excrement, prisoners crammed into cells for all but 20 minutes a day, food rations cut to just rice and water and no air conditioning.
"The Americans were better than the Iraqis. They treated us better," said Khalid Alaani, who was held on suspicion of involvement in Sunni terrorism.
Actually, maybe that hanging part is just what the terrorists need. I'm just so tired of Americans being portrayed as the bad guy all the time, it's a lie.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Cough It Up
Casino Tells Man He Won Jackpot Then Refuses To Pay
Freddy Howard, 53, of Sunny Isles Beach, took part in a free promotional game, the Swipe and Win Progressive jackpot, while at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino near Hollywood early on Aug. 29. Howard swiped his Players Club card and said a hostess and supervisor broke the news, he won $259,945.75.
For three hours, Howard was showered with all the attention he dreamed of. As he told it, casino workers verified his membership card and identification, had him sign a publicity agreement, even presented him with a giant cardboard check.
And then, managers called him into an empty room.
"They just said, 'You know the jackpot that you won? We're not going to pay it,"'
After you lose a bet can you take your money back and say on second thought that was not the bet I meant to make? You make a mistake, you eat it.
Freedom of Speech Pronounced Dead
by Howard, and he's got a good point.
So because powerful government figures who are only theoretically out of power did not like the content of a movie, they made it clear that they would put Disney/ABC out of business by canceling their broadcast licenses. And because plenty of Republicans looked bad and the 9/11 commission looked bad our people "in power" castrated the Republic. Never did any of us think we'd see the day this could happen, but the fact is now clear that the minority party is so powerful they can cause license revocation if anyone dares to present something they don't like. Not one time in the history of the Republic have we seen the government take over a media company til now. The Democrats, the minority party, have informed Disney and ABC that they will put them out of business if Paths to 9/11 is shown unless it is sanitized to their satisfaction. The same people who railed at the old Hayes Code, the Legion of Decency, and all attempts to set up a government media company, those wonderful patriots have taken over ALL MEDIA while we slept.
From now on every book publisher is on notice that they can be put out of business by powerful people in government. Everything we see and hear from now on must be approved by the government, or else. And we won't even peep. We are cowed dogs tranquilized by all the comforts (drugs, music, movies, celebrity gossip) of a decaying culture.
Go read the whole thing, I just pulled out of the middle. There's a lot more going on than the American public cares to know anymore and when the cats away, the mice will play. The American public is supposed to be in ultimate control of these clowns, but we don't even care what they do as long as we don't miss "our show." Sometimes they are the show.
The Democrats are a bigger threat to our democracy than the Terrorists.
Yes, but ultimately, we are all responsible. This has been a long time coming and the signs have been there for all who care to see.
Actors Have To Look Good, Not Think Good
Brangelina to Marry When Everybody Can
Brad Pitt, ever the social activist, says he won't be marrying Angelina Jolie until the restrictions on who can marry whom are dropped.
"Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able," the 42-year-old actor reveals in Esquire magazine's October issue, on newsstands Sept. 19.
First of all, who cares if they don't get married? Is there actually a significant number of people out there who's lives will change if they get married or not? Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have the power to force the American people to do something they don't want to do? Yeah, right.
Second: "when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able"
Does this guy have a clue as to who is out there wanting to get married if they could get away with it? Pedophiles want to marry children, polygamists want to marry multiple spouses, then there's polygamist pedophiles who want to marry lots of children, some want to marry animals, some want to marry corpses, at least one person wants to marry himself, a few want to marry trees, wasn't there a girl in India who married a vase or some such thing - is that really what you meant to say, Brad? All these people should be able to get married legally before you will marry Angelina?
Thursday, September 07, 2006
The Dark Side of Spiderman
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Epidemic Proportions?
I can't believe anyone falls for the Nigerian e-mail scams anymore, let alone epidemic proportions. Who are these people and what rock are they hiding under? How many warnings have to go out?
It's a rip-off, which con men have used on the Internet, telephone lines and the Postal Service for more than 20 years. It's often called the Nigerian 419 scam for the section of the Nigerian criminal code that it violates. The Federal Trade Commission this year issued a consumer alert that the scam "seems to have reached epidemic proportions."
Delete, delete, delete.
Surprise , Surprise, Surprise!
Britain discovers secret army of well-trained jihadi terrorists
"Intelligence services, police stunned by sweep of schools, mosques in wake of foiled bomb plot"
No matter how you slice it, London is daily looking more like "Londonistan." Or perhaps more precisely, as Peter Clarke, head of Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist squad puts it, Britain has become al-Qaida's European headquarters "housing a secret army of thousands of well-trained guerrilla fighters ready to kill in the name of religion."
The discovery of the school for terror reveals how extensive is al-Qaida's influence within Britain's Muslim community,
Who woulda thunk it?
It looks like Billy Lane of Choppers, Inc and frequent Discovery Channel Biker Build-off celebrity may be responsible for the death of a biker while driving intoxicated. He has not been charged pending blood-alcohol test results, but the police believe he was impaired. I hope not.
"He was passing where a double yellow line was on the roadway. He passed two cars, attempted to get back in his lane and, before he could do that, hit this motorcyclist head on," said Trooper Kim Miller, Florida Highway Patrol.
The Choppers, Inc website is not working, it says under construction. The store in Melbourne is closed until further notice as well.
Intoxicated or not, he's hurtin'.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Convert or Die
Barbara Simpson makes some interesting points in Allah wanna do, is have some freedom
One is:
It also makes me wonder if perhaps the reason Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg, and Tom Fox, and Jack Hensley and all the other kidnapped westerners were killed by the sword was because they refused to convert.
Think about it.
It's worth the read.
Pray For Rain
Prayers for rain answered in West Texas - and how!
There was some snickering in certain parts of the country when city officials in the drought-stricken West Texas towns of Lubbock and Rockwall took their case for rain to God in the form of resolutions calling for prayer.
While the votes made national news - sometimes in the "quirky" sections of big-city dailies and news services - the results didn't, until now.
Within seven days of the Lubbock vote, the rains started. And they haven't stopped.
Crocodile Hunter - News Montage
This is almost 10 minutes long and contains newscasts from Australia. It's good, sort of a retrospective on his life as well.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Sorry To See Him Go
Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin was killed - by a stingray - on September 4th.
I always knew I'd see a headline like this someday but it still comes as a shock.
The death brought to an end a career that began with his father's Sunshine Coast theme park and developed into an international empire in which Irwin was a globally recognised brand.
He Made a difference, his life definitely made a difference. He will be missed. The world was a better place with Steve-o in it.
"But I put my life on the line to save animals." --Steve Irwin.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Embarrassing Situations
First, there's the pilot who got locked out of the cockpit during a bathroom break. Imagine the sickening feeling he had when he tried to open the door. There was someone else in the cockpit but the door was stuck and they had to take the door off it's hinges to get in, while all the passengers watched - in horror no doubt.
Then there's the Pastor who announced to his congregation that he could walk on water like Jesus did. He stepped off the boat, in front of the entire congregation, and "He walked into the water, which soon passed over his head and he never came back."
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Storm Break
Looks like we're getting a break with Ernesto. I boarded up the back windows just for fun and put anything that might blow around in the garage. Irma and the kids have off today. Before I left for work I noticed she bought a bunch of snacks - emergency supplies I guess. In the calm before the storm now.
Found this joke on a forum, liked it, and here you are.
A cowboy rode into town and stopped at a saloon for a drink. Unfortunately the locals always had a habit of picking on strangers. This cowboy was fair game .
When he finished his drink, he went outside and found that his horse had been stolen.
He strides back into the bar, handily flips his gun into the air, catches it above his head without looking and fires a shot into the ceiling.
No one answered ....
Some of the locals shifted restlessly as the cowboy slowly, silently nursed his second beer. That done, he left the saloon and discovered his horse had been returned. He saddles up and prepares to ride out of town.
The bartender wanders out of the saloon and asks, "Say partner, before you go ... what happened in Texas?"
The cowboy turned back and said, "Ah hadda walk home."
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