Monday, November 07, 2011

Dissipated and Taken Away by the Political Process

Doesn't anyone ever notice that the wealth confiscated by government never actually makes it to the poor who have been promised it? For all of Obama's talk of wealth redistribution, precious little has been done to help anyone except big unions and big Obama contributors. Meanwhile the poor get poorer as the country gets poorer.

Watch Does U.S. Economic Inequality Have a Good Side? on PBS. See more from PBS NewsHour.

You can tell the difference between a liberal and conservative by the following test: A liberal believes that changes in taxes have very little effect on production, but huge effects favorable on distribution. Folks like myself believe it's exactly the opposite. Very high tax rates or even small changes in taxes have very adverse effects on production, and they do very little to produce redistribution because the money gets dissipated and taken away through the political process in ways that the most ardent supporters of redistribution will not like.

Hat tip: The Smallest Minority

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