Saturday, February 16, 2008

Food for Thought

Old commies like new face

"So what's the takeaway? What does this mean to real Americans – the hundreds of millions of us who don't read the People's Weekly World?

It means Obama is more radical, more revolutionary, more socialist, more Communist in his worldview than even Hillary.

I know. I know. It would seem nearly an impossible challenge. But that's how this veteran Commie watcher sees it.

These guys don't make rash decisions. They don't jump on bandwagons. They make calculated and well-considered choices based on one thing – who comes closer to representing the highest ideals of the Communist Manifesto and Marxist-Leninism.

These are Stalinists, stuck in another era, unable to see the world as it really is because of their delusional pathology that leads them down the deadly, oppressive path of totalitarianism.

They looked hard into the faces of Hillary and Obama. They studied their records. They pored over their position papers. And they – the U.S. version of the Politburo – determined Barack Obama is their man."

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