Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Kick these RINOs out of the zoo

President Obama wasn't kidding. This is going to be a "transparent" government alright – we're being robbed, and the crooks aren't even bothering to use masks. Making things more comical last week was this: While the stimulus debate was ongoing, the people who are mishandling trillions in taxpayer dollars – Congress – were standing in judgment of how corporate CEOs are mishandling billions in taxpayer dollars. It was like watching the captain of the Exxon Valdez yell at his kid for spilling a can on paint on the lawn.

Surreal happenings abound in Washington, D.C., but the bottom line is that the stimulus passed because of three Republicans who probably didn't have time to even read the bill. It's not that they're slow readers – nobody had time to read the bill. We just pawned off future generations based on a bill Congress didn't read. This is criminal.

The day I'll consider it completely acceptable for Congress to vote on a bill it didn't read is the day "I didn't have time to read all of it" is an acceptable excuse for my incorrect tax returns – the latter of which these days culminates either in a prison sentence, or a post in Obama's cabinet, depending upon how "plugged in" you are to the political system.

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