Monday, May 26, 2003

America Unmade

Diane Alden is sounding the alarm that America is destroying itself from the inside. Is anyone listening?

He maintained, "Government leaders and others believed for much of the '90s that the country was undergoing a transition from a manufacturing-based economy to a knowledge-based one."

"Then the [tech] bubble burst, and we began to learn a very hard lesson and that is there's only a few ways to create wealth," he said. "You have to either farm something, mine something or manufacture something. The bubble burst. Unfortunately, our policy makers are acting as if it had not."

Unfortunately, however, there are still too many in Congress who still think taxes and regulations don't drive business out. They need to get a grip before they destroy this country.

Her article is too long, no one will read it. Who wants to think about such things anyway, just keep watching TV, our elected officials will take care of us. Never fear.

Perhaps Roger is right, we are Amusing Ourselves to Death.

The Swimming Pool

I took James for a walk to the pool at his grandmothers house and he wanted to go in so bad. I let him go ahead and play on the steps. That kid loves the water. Their were some older kids playing with a football in the pool and James kept telling them to throw him the ball. They started to play with him. James was standing on the side of the pool with me right there holding him and they were throwing the ball back and forth. He was laughing so hard. I don't think he really gets the age difference. He thinks he can just play with anyone he wants. Usually he does. He cried and carried on when it was time to go and he kept wanting to go back the rest of the day. Another day James, another day.

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