Friday, September 10, 2004

Socialist Legal System

Yellow Tomato Causes Legal Dilemma

The mushy remains of a tomato thrown at a prominent member of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democrats has posed a legal dilemma for authorities trying to assess how to punish the thrower.

Had it been a soft red one, the man would have faced a lesser charge of causing malicious damage. A harder, green tomato could carry the tougher charge of bodily harm.

A yellow one is somewhere in between. "In these types of cases it has to do with the consistency (of the fruit)," said Caecilia Cramer-Krahforst, spokeswoman for the court in the eastern city of Cottbus.

No decision on the charge has yet been reached.

If it wasn't so sad it would be funny. Well, no ... it is funny.

Thanks to Ravenwood for the link.

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